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Psychological Treatments 
SenseWell Psychology utilises a range of Therapy Modalities to assist individuals with mental disorders, emotional dysregulation and interpersonal difficulties. These are discussed with the client and agreed on early in the therapeutic relationship. 
Schema Therapy


Schema Therapy is an innovative psychotherapy developed by Dr Jeffery Young as a treatment for Personality Disorders and a range of other Disorders such as Anxiety and Mood Disorders. Schema Therapy combines cognitive, behavioural and gestalt therapies that allow for a deeper transformative experience emotionally. Schema Therapy is moderate to long-term therapy.


SchemaTherapy offers:

  • Identification and treatment of dysfunctional belief patterns that developed during childhood and continue to impact the individual in their adult life

  • Identification and treatment of dysfunctional coping modes that have become established and cause additional problems for the individual 

  • Identification and treatment of the inner critical voice that has taken up residence and provides negative commentary to the individual about everything they think and do

  • Build and develop the Healthy Adult Self

  • Group Therapy experience


Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (Informed DBT)

Dialectical Behaviour Therapy is an innovative psychotherapy developed by Dr Marcia Linehan as a treatment for Personality Disorders (specifically BPD) and individuals who are emotionally dysregulated. Dialectical Behaviour Therapy is a cognitive behavioural therapy approach that incorporates acceptance-based strategies. It is a practical therapy that provides skills-based pro-social training and emotional self-management. DBT is best delivered as moderate to long-term therapy, however 12 week interventions can be tailored to the individual if necessary. 

DBT offers:
  • Re-building of your emotional process, emotional belief system and distress management skills

  • Ability to emotionally regulate oneself in order to prevent amplified emotionally intense responses

  • Interpersonal skills training in order to improve all aspects that impact of relationship breakdowns

  • Allows for active problem solving of the difficulties that arise on repeat when emotions run high such as suicidal thinking, self-harm and impulsive behaviours that make things worse.

  • Group Therapy experience 


Please note that the full DBT Program includes individual sessions, group sessions plus phone coaching. This practice provides DBT-informed therapy as it only offers individual sessions. Group sessions may be run on occasions if there are sufficient numbers to do so. 


Emotionally Focused Therapy


Emotionally Focused Therapy is an innovative and organic form of therapy developed by Dr Sue Johnson as a treatment for individuals, couples or families to grow together in creating secure attachments and healthy close bonds with one another. It identifies the cycle and process between the individuals as well as within them and assists to re-develop that process into more effective interactions with one another. It is a moderate length therapy that focuses onto the emotional experiences of the participants and takes the time to tend to the relationship that each individual has with their own emotions and those of others. 


EFIT or EFCT offers: 

  • Understanding of your own attachment style and close others if they attend therapy also 

  • Understands your personal relationship with your own emotions and reshape it into something effective

  • Understands how your pattern of interaction with others is informed by your attachment style 

  • Re-develops the way you interact with others in order to develop more secure and responsive connections between you

  • Forms secure bonds and attachments in relationships which improves communication and conflict resolution

Cognitive Processing Therapy


Cognitive Processing Therapy is a targetted evidence-based treatment for sufferers of cPTSD/PTSD or traumatic experiences that works through unprocessed emotion and thought patterns that have become rigid and stuck as a result of those experiences. It is a 12-16 week therapy that requires a contractual commitment, is highly structured and has homework tasks each week for the participant to complete. 


CPT offers: 

  • Opportunity to process the impact your traumatic experiences have had on you

  • Opportunity to process the story of your trauma if you wish (optional)

  • Opportunity to express and vent locked up feelings related to your traumatic experiences

  • Assistance to identify how you have become stuck with regards to safety, trust, power and control, self-esteem, intimacy and guilt because of your traumatic experiences and to learn the tools you need to make the necessary repairs in these areas

  • Develop the ability to keep yourself safe from further trauma and to recognise danger and understand what you can do to protect yourself. 



Conversational Model of Therapy 

Conversational Model of Therapy is a psychodynamic form of therapy that engages the client through listening, reflection, clarification and seeking to assist the client to idenitfy what is important to them, building their reflective capacity of their own inner wisdom, attuning to their emotions and in doing so assisting them to attune to their own emotions, learning to build bonds with others and negotiating ways forward to have needs met. 


Acceptance Commitment Therapy


Acceptance Commitment Therapy is an innovative psychotherapy developed by Steven C. Hayes as a treatment for any person who has been unable to change difficult and powerfully unpleasant thoughts and feelings. ACT combines acceptance and mindfulness strategies to assist individuals to accept what is out of their personal control and to commit to an action that will improve and enrich their lives. The goal of ACT is to enhance an individuals potential to experience a rich, full and meaningful life. ACT can be delivered as brief or moderate or long-term therapy. 


ACT offers: 

  • Mindfulness skills that ground a person in the present moment when their emotions run high and to raise non-judgmental, self-awareness.

  • Acceptance skills that assist a person to make room for painful and difficult feelings and to meditate in a way that provides relief and the ability to let go

  • Values and Strengths awareness to assist a person to identify what is most important to them in terms of committed action they want to take in response to the difficulty they face 


Cognitive Behaviour Therapy 


Cognitive Behaviour Therapy is an innovative psychotherapy developed by Dr Aaron Beck as an effective treatment for people who suffer from a wide range of mental health problems including depression and anxiety disorders, anger, pain etc. CBT works with people on a cognitive (thinking) and behavioural level. It assists individuals to identify their dysfunctional thought patterns and understand how these contribute to their feelings and reactive, maladaptive behaviours, and then to alter then in more helpful ways. 


CBT offers: 

  • The opportunity to revisit your core beliefs and rework your narrative into something more useful, helpful and workable for you. 

  • The ability to identify when your automatic thoughts are distorted and develop ways of addressing them effectively.

  • Reviewing your behavioural responses to your thoughts and feelings and making a committed action plan to modify your behaviour for something that might support your personal goals. 

  • Understand your triggers and how the environment perpetuates and reinforces the problematic pattern of behaviour you experience.

  • Teaches you how to monitor and self-regulate your own mood.

  • Offers Exposure Therapy for situations that you may be avoiding to assist you in overcoming your fears.

  • Provides a range of skills training including: Communication, Assertiveness, Parenting, Relaxation, Mindfulness and Meditation, Attention, Stress Management, Anger Management, Problem Solving, Pro's and Con's, Relationship Skills, Journalling and Self-Reflection, Mind Skills to reduce catastrophising and rumination. 


SenseWell uses a person-centred approach to ensure that the client leads the pathway to recovery with what they are wanting for themselves. This also means that SenseWell feels that listening to the client and giving a chance to be validated and to express themselves is the most important role of the Psychologist. 




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